At The Fortia Team

We know what you want and we will help you achieve it

We accompany you to success.

Making real estate work for you


About Us

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We are Ana Bejar & Naomi Esteves, we are both real estate agents and we lead The Fortia Team.

During our career we have helped countless buyers, sellers, and investors achieve their real estate goals, whether it be properties suitable for living in, listing for rent, and listing for sale.

With our team we have created a unique and personalized approach to buying, selling and investing in real estate in and around Central Florida.

We are proud to have a solid reputation in the local real estate market, thanks to the support of La Rosa Realty Internacional and La Rosa Realty.

We are committed to offering an experience like no other.

Our team has solid experience in the real estate market and are dedicated to providing our clients with exceptional service. In addition, our team has experts in management, marketing and technology that allow us to reach a broader audience and attract the right buyers for each property we offer.

As part of Rosa Realty International, our team has access to cutting-edge tools and resources that allow us to provide unparalleled service to our clients.

Our purpose is to help our clients find the property they so desire, and to make the buying and selling process as smooth and easy as possible.

We strive to provide personalized and attentive service to each of our clients, always making sure they feel comfortable and satisfied with every step of the process.

If you are looking to buy, sell or invest in property in or around Central Florida, our team is here to help.

We make sure the process is as smooth and easy as possible and are committed to providing you with unparalleled service.

Contact us today to learn more about how we can assist you in your real estate search.

What Are You Looking

Providing the Best Real Estate Services

Modern Villas

Furnished Homes

Sweet Apartment

Commercial Building